(最終更新日:2024-05-03 12:35:21)
  レオナルド タッド ジェイ   Todd Jay Leonard
  レオナルド タッド ジェイ
   所属   福岡教育大学  教育学部 英語教育研究ユニット
   職種   教授
■ 学歴
1. Purdue University Department of History 修士課程修了 M.A. in European History with a minor specialization in East Asian Studies
■ 専門分野
1. Sephardic Jewish History; American Religious History (Spiritualism); Cross-Cultural Studies; English Education; Materials Development
I am now in the process of collaborating on a book in Japanese on common mistakes made in English with a British co-author.
Gradually, I have become a well-known researcher for American Spiritualism. I am often asked to present on the topic of Spiritualism in the United States and to advise institutions, such as museums, when they are planning a Spiritualism exhibit. I plan to continue to present at international conferences, publish my work in journals and proceedings, and do on-site research in the area of Modern Spiritualism in not only the United States but also in Europe (Great Britain) and Australia.
With regards to EFL materials development, I plan to continue to create materials for use in Japan for the EFL market. I also hope to expand to other Asian countries as well as to Europe and South America by submitting materials to more globally positione
In the area of corss-cultural studies, I plan to continue to do the work I am doing and to continue to publish in this area.
■ 教育・研究紹介
I am involved in writing and designing ESL/EFL materials in the form of textbooks, readers, and cultural exercise books. In addition, I research the American-made religion of Spiritualism, English education methodology (specifically "team-teaching"), cross-cultural themes, and materials development. I have a number of publishing projects that I have recently finished and am now actively developing. I have published twenty books, and I am in the process of writing four additional books.
■ 最近の研究課題・キーワード
Spiritualism, History of American Religions, Comparative Culture, Cross-Cultural Understanding, English as a Second Language Materials, Team-teaching (キーワード:西洋史、宗教学、教育学、Cross-Cultural Studies) 
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 著書  Algorithm "Skip-English" by Info Factory   (共著) 
2. 著書  Algorithmic English Conversation   (共著) 2022/12
3. 著書  My Experiences and Musings of Japanese Culture   (単著) 2021/05
4. 著書  Talk, Talk Meeting People   (単著) 2020/11
5. 著書  Talk, Talk: Going Places   (単著) 2020/11
■ 学会発表
1. Publishing in the EFL Market: How to make your Proposal Count
2. 2023/10/15 Publishing in the EFL Market: How to make your Proposal Count(Japan Writers Conference)
3. 2023/03/04 The Oberammergau Passion Play: An Historical Review and Comparative Study of the 2000, 2010, and 2020 [2022] Performances(Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR))
4. 2022/10/15 Publishing in the EFL Market: How to make your Proposal
5. 2022/07/27 A Brief History of Camp Chesterfield: An Influential and Pioneering Force in the Movement of Modern Spiritualism since 1886
■ 受賞学術賞
1. 2023/10 大学教員活動評価に関する学長表彰
2. 2023/03 Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR) Frank P Forwood Award for Academic Excellence in Presented Research
3. 2013/07 Youth for Understanding (USA) Intercultural Exchange Program YFU USA 1979-2013 Certificate of Appreciation
4. 2012/03 Association for the Scientific Study of Religion-Southwest (ASSR-SW) Frank P. Forwood Award for Academic Excellence in Presented Research
5. 2010/03 Association for the Scientific Study of Religion-Southwest (ASSR-SW) The Frank P. Forwood Award for Academic Excellence in Presented Research
■ 展覧会・演奏会・競技会等
1. 2019/09/15~2020/03/15 John E. Fetzer and the Spiritualist Camp(Camp Chesterfield, Chesterfield, Indiana)
■ 所属学会
1. 2022/04~ Southwest Commission for Religious Studies (SWCRS)
2. 2022/04~ ∟ Director on Board of Directors
3. 2022~2022 Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR)
4. 2022~2022 Camp Chesterfield Hett ART Gallery and Museum
5. 2022~2022 Friends of Camp Chesterfield Foundation (FCCF)
■ 授業科目
1. 地域言語文化(米)
2. 異文化コミュニケーション論
3. 異文化ゼミB
4. 英会話II
5. 英会話Ⅰ
■ 卒業研究・修士論文等指導実績
1. 2022
2. 2022
3. 2022
A Study of L2 Language Certainty Pertaining to the Understanding and Expression of English in Japanese Junior High School Materials Development
4. 2022
Foreign Language Teaching Materials: A Comparative Study of Pictorial and Character-based Components related to Intercultural Competence in Japanese Elementary School Foreign Language Textbooks
5. 2021
■ 公開講座等
1. 2021
Japan America Student Conference Information Session
2. 2019
Eigo Communication, Menyo Hoho Nintei Koshu
3. 2019
Ibunka Rikai, Menyo hoho Nintei koshu
■ 講演・講義・研究会等実績
1. 2020
Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR)
2. 2020
Friends of Camp Chesterfield Foundation (FCCF)
3. 2020
Indiana Association of Spiritualists Association Education Committee
4. 2020
Japan America Student Conference (JASC)
5. 2020
Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT)
■ 出前授業実績
1. 2022
Fuzoku Youchien
2. 2022
Guy Healy Rangers
3. 2021
Fuzoku Youchien Christmas pageant Santa Claus
4. 2013
English Activity Day
5. 2013
Meeting English People
■ 審議会・委員会等の実績
1. 2022
Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (ASSR)
2. 2022
Southwest Commission for Religious Studies
3. 2020
Friends of Camp Chesterfield Foundation (FCCF)
4. 2020
Hett Art Gallery and Museum Camp Historian And Archivist (appointed by the President)
5. 2020
Japan America Student Conference (JASC) Information Session Committee
■ メールアドレス